Components Of Acupuncture Treatment

Additional Therapeutic Tools May Accompany Your Acupuncture Session Depending On The Treatment Necessary.


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Cupping releases muscle spasms. Muscle spasm feel tight to the touch and may feel like the muscle are twitching.  Cupping is a safe, simple, and effective way to release muscle spasms.

Cups are suctioned onto the skin. The action of the suction causes an increase of circulation. An increased circulations allows the muscles to relax, releasing the muscle spasm.

Cupping is a diagnostic indicator of the size and location of muscle spasm.

Gua Sha


Gua Sha is great for chronic pain and migraine headaches. The most important therapeutic benefit of Gua Sha is relieving inflammation.

Have you ever experienced a muscle pain, where lightly touching the surface of the skin feels hot?  This is an indication that there is localized inflammation.  Gua Sha is the perfect therapeutic solution for this type of condition.  

Gua sha uses a smooth-edged instrument to lightly glide over the affected area. The light gliding motion stimulates circulation.  The increase in circulation alleviates inflammation.

Gua Sha can be used as a diagnostic indicator of the degree of inflammation.



Moxa’s therapeutic value is in treating pain associated with reoccurring injuries. Moxa gives the body the boost needed to begin the recuperative process.  

 Moxa is used as heat therapy. Moxa is used on or above an injured area to give the body the boost it needs to kickstart circulation. Recurring injuries can slow down circulation.  Sometimes, these type of conditions require an outside boost for better circulation.